Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jungle Junk Food Olympics

Pack meeting in October was a blast! In preparation for Halloween, the cubs performed the ultimate work out of their mouths by competing in the Jungle Junk Food Olympics...

Jungle Bowling
The games began with Jungle Bowling. Each Cub Scout bowled to knock down the greatest number of jungle animals*. It was a tight competition which ended in a three-way tie (*NOTE: No real jungle animals were harmed during this event.)

Bobbing for Junk Food
Next up was Bobbing for Junk Food. Each Cub Scout had one minute to collect as many pieces of junk food using only their mouths*. It was a tight competition which ended in a three-way tie (*NOTE: Some Cub Scouts inhaled large amounts of water during this event.)

Tarzan Donut Swing
The last and marquee event was the Tarzan Donut Swing. The object was to be the first to eat their dangling donut* without the use of hands. Each Cub Scout had one minute to collect as many pieces of junk food using only their mouths*. It was a tight competition which ended in a three-way tie (*NOTE: Many donuts were harmed during this event.)

See You at our Next Pack Meeting - November 18th at 6:30 p.m.